Ten Thousand Dollars Award for early birds
Real excited 2b sharing because its meeeee doing stuff most of my top friends love seeing.
What?: We fully expect book sales to be above average for apps like kindle, allowing us to make bold predictions.
The first Ten people to put up a Top 10 webpage will be in the draw. Beginning sometime during 2024/25, you could win an award in our million dollar impact competition, it is the Early-birds award. From my book sales Killing Sadness Book profits will enable us to share 10 $100,000 awards, with these awesome Top Ten page co-creators.
Because we respect your intelligence and love of nature. The 10 best links-plus2 awards are valued at $10,000
How to miss-out?, forget to Link with our top10 page project.
Publishing your favorite links of all time, is how to win.
Example. not designed to win! just an example with paid ads, this one of my own I created recently at this link page
Where?: Here
When?: now > www.groupsstartup.net/mylinks-plus2.html
Why?: Because we are almost out of time to prevent catastrophic climate change.
How:? co-create webpages (My top Ten) Members of the Links-plus2 team work with our real people trusted partners, Bots do what we program them to do. Links-Plus2 joins the impact action project (IAP) our own, not the Canadian one. My commitment (yours too) is to publish a web page, blog, or local tribe group page, containing your top 10 or more links of all time, the best links pertaining to real people group activism, especially Eco-activism and climate change solutions are preferred.
Example: My-links-Plus2 page at https://GroupsStartup.net/MyLinks-Plus2.html
The first 1000 will get listed on a real people community of impact Super Hero Roll of honor currently under construction.
The first Ten people to put up a Top 10 webpage will be in the draw. Beginning sometime during 2024/25, you could win an award in our million dollar impact competition, it is the Early-birds award. From my book sales Killing Sadness Book profits will enable us to share 10 $100,000 awards, with these awesome Top Ten page co-creators.
Because we respect your intelligence and love of nature. The 10 best links-plus2 awards are valued at $10,000
How to miss-out?, forget to Link with our top10 page project.
Publishing your favorite links of all time, is how to win.
Example. not designed to win! just an example with paid ads, this one of my own I created recently at this link page
Where?: Here
When?: now > www.groupsstartup.net/mylinks-plus2.html
Why?: Because we are almost out of time to prevent catastrophic climate change.
How:? co-create webpages (My top Ten) Members of the Links-plus2 team work with our real people trusted partners, Bots do what we program them to do. Links-Plus2 joins the impact action project (IAP) our own, not the Canadian one. My commitment (yours too) is to publish a web page, blog, or local tribe group page, containing your top 10 or more links of all time, the best links pertaining to real people group activism, especially Eco-activism and climate change solutions are preferred.
Example: My-links-Plus2 page at https://GroupsStartup.net/MyLinks-Plus2.html
The first 1000 will get listed on a real people community of impact Super Hero Roll of honor currently under construction.